Monday, June 1, 2015

Field Trip!

We took the students on a field trip on Friday, to let them see some of the local sites.  We actually started on Thursday night at the local Suq (market) to buy souvenirs and eat at a Yemeni restaurant.  You order skewers with meat on them, hummus, foul (beans--pronounced fool), plus they serve this amazing bread made in a round ceramic oven.
Hummus, foul, bread, & skewers.

Zach & Brett eating at the Suq.

Friday we started at Sumhuran aka Khor Rori (a Khor is where sea & fresh water meet, a brackish water area, there are many along the coast of Oman.)  It is a bit older and lot smaller than Al-Baleed but it is a really cool fortified city.  We share a house with a few Italians that work on this site throughout the year.

Sue, Brett, Zach, & me in the main gate at Khor Rori.
Brett might be a tiny bit taller than those that built Khor Rori!

Me & Krista with Khor Rori in the background.
After a trip to the museum & beach at Khor Rori we headed to Mirbat.  It is a local fishing village that has a really old center of town then newer areas around it.  It also has a fun little beach with a park that we like to visit.  We watch the sunset and collect shells.

One of the many cool, but falling down buildings in Mirbat.

Zach looking out to sea at Mirbat.

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